Dental Health and Diet

by | Mar 6, 2024 | Dental Health

dental health and diet

At Thornton Dental, we are dedicated to your overall health.

We don’t just enhance your smile and improve your prevention program against dental diseases.

We are also passionate about improving your diet and nutrition.

The Link Between Dental Health and a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet greatly aids dental health. Good eating habits and oral hygiene are essential for strong teeth and gums.

Nutritious foods can help decrease tooth decay and the development of gum disease.

The Impact of Diet on Dental Health

Z Sugary and Acidic Foods

As everyone knows, consuming foods and drinks high in simple sugar causes (cavities).

Bacteria found in the mouth can get sugar, resulting in the formation of acids.

These acids can cause the outer layer of the teeth, known as the enamel, to wear away, resulting in tooth decay and cavities.

Sugars are found in sweets, sodas, and some fruit juices. Candy, soft drinks, fruit and other acidic items are also found to hurt teeth and cause enamel erosion.

These things are bad for your teeth, and their regular use can lead to tooth decay and other oral health complications.

Z Sticky and Starchy Foods

Candy and dried fruit are examples of sticky foods that stick to teeth and give oral bacteria a continuous supply of sugar.

Likewise, foods containing starch, including bread, chips, and pasta, can also begin to “rot” in the mouth and harm the teeth.

These foods tend to penetrate the gaps between the teeth or get stuck between the spaces in the teeth and gum, thus making it hard to clean thoroughly by brushing and flossing only.

Z Role of Hydration

Proper hydration is essential for maintaining good dental health.

Water minimises the risk of tooth decay by washing away food particles and bacteria.

Drinking water, especially fluoridated water, can help strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities.

Adequate hydration also enhances saliva production, which is crucial for neutralising mouth acids and aiding digestion.

Essential Nutrients for Dental Health

Z Calcium and Phosphorus

Calcium is essential for teeth; bones require calcium to grow and sustain. The teeth’s outermost layer of protection is called enamel.

Dairy items include cheese and yoghurt, which are great calcium sources.

Fortified plant-based dairy, leafy greens, almonds, and tofu can provide adequate calcium for lactose-intolerant or vegans.

Phosphorus, found in meat, fish, eggs, and nuts, works with calcium to strengthen teeth.

Z Vitamin D

Calcium and phosphorus strengthen bones and teeth; they are absorbed in the body with the help of Vitamin D.

If little vitamin D is available in the body, it cannot use calcium properly, leading to weak teeth and bones.

The yellow section of eggs, fatty fish, and foods fortified with vitamin D are good sources of natural vitamin D.

Z Vitamin C

Vitamin C has a particular role in the well-being of gums and some of the soft tissues found in the mouth.

Tooth development and support of the gum tissues require the manufacture of collagen, a type of protein.

Vitamin C deficiency results in gum inflammation, which may bleed, called gingivitis.

If not treated, gingivitis can easily develop into other severe periodontal diseases. The sources of this vitamin include oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli.

Z Fluoride

Fluoride is a mineral found in tooth enamel that maintains enamel’s hardness and reduces the probability of cavities. It can also halt early decay.

Mouthwash, toothpaste, and fluoridated water are familiar sources of fluoride. Tea and certain seafood are also examples of foods that contain fluoride.

Foods That Promote Dental Health

Z Dairy Products

Milk, cheese and yoghourt are suitable for dental health since they enhance saliva production.

They contain a lot of calcium, phosphorus, and casein, a protein that effectively neutralises acids in the mouth.

To an extent, cheese acts as a stimulant for saliva production, thus helping to cleanse the mouth of foods and other debris.

Z Fruits and Vegetables

Vegetables and apples can clean teeth and stimulate gums, while carrots, celery, berries, and cucumbers should be crunchy.

Due to their high water content, they have a low impact on sugars and enhance the production of saliva, which is healthy for the teeth.

Also, there is a need to incorporate fruits and vegetables into the diet since they contain vitamins and minerals vital to the overall health of the gums and teeth.

Z Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds provide essential minerals that support dental health, such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

They also offer a crunchy texture that can help clean teeth surfaces. Walnuts, chia seeds, and almonds are incredibly healthy.

Z Whole Grains

Refined grains, such as brown rice, oats, and whole wheat bread, are not as healthful as whole grains.

Whole grains contain more fibre, which can help lower sugar intake that sticks to teeth and provide essential nutrients that support overall health.

Practical Dietary Recommendations

  • Limiting Sugar Intake – Reducing the consumption of sugar-filled foods and beverages is one of the best strategies to avoid dental caries. Reading nutrition labels and choosing foods with low added sugars can help. Natural sweeteners like fruit can satisfy sweet cravings without harming dental health.
  • Eating Balanced Meals – Maintaining oral health requires a diet rich in nutrient-dense, well-balanced foods. Dairy products, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts in daily meals can provide the nutrients for strong teeth and healthy gums.
  • Snacking Wisely – Frequent snacking can increase the risk of tooth decay, especially if the snacks are sugary or acidic. Choosing healthy snacks like cheese, yoghourt, fruits, and vegetables can help protect teeth. Drinking water after snacking can also help rinse away food particles and reduce acid buildup.
  • Practising Good Oral Hygiene – Apart from balanced nutrition, it is essential to pay attention to the personal hygiene of the mouth. Brushing teeth with fluoride-containing toothpaste at least twice daily, flossing daily, and visiting a dentist for check-ups and cleaning are recommended.

Proper nourishment through the right foods containing nutrients in the body and regular dental hygiene would also help reduce the incidence of dental diseases.

To have and sustain healthy, fabulous teeth, people must act on what they eat and how certain foods affect the teeth.

Good Nutrition and Dental Care in Thornton

Protect your smile through a healthy diet.

Learn more about protecting your smile through diet. Visit your health partners at Thornton Dental.

Our comprehensive dental care services are designed to improve your dental health and overall well-being.

Our doctors will ensure you have a healthy white smile and a fit and well-functioning body.

New Patient Promotions

Pay No Gap: No Gap for dental checkup, clean, fluoride & 2 x-rays (with any health insurance.)

No Health Insurance: Only $145 ($95 for kids) for Checkup, Clean & Fluoride/

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