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Dentures in Thornton

smiling person leaning on couchFor many years dentures have been an industry standard for replacing missing teeth. Dentures may be a cost-effective solution if you have multiple missing teeth, or no remaining teeth at all.

With the advent of implant dentistry, dentures can now be considered in conjunction with dental implants to lock dentures in place so that you will be able to bite into your favourite foods without any discomfort. Modern acrylics now give dentures a very real and natural appearance. Dentures are kept in place by either using clasps, which anchor around neighbouring teeth, or by the dentures’ natural suction. On occasions a denture fixative or glue is recommended to aid in keeping the denture in place.

Dentures are one alternative to replacing missing or lost teeth. This cosmetic dental treatment can help people feel more confident when smiling and enhance the ability to function and eat a wide range of foods.

Why Choose Dentures?

Although they’ve been around for ages, today’s dentures are more comfortable and natural looking than those of the past. Dentures can either replace all of your teeth or a few, which is known as partial dentures. Both types may require that some teeth be pulled or that some surgery be performed on the bony ridges beneath the gums to better accommodate your new dentures so they have a perfect feel and “fit.”

There are three types of dentures:

  • Partial dentures, which replaces one tooth or several teeth, usually retained by clasps around your existing teeth.
  • Full dentures, which replace an entire set of teeth, the upper teeth, lower teeth, or both. A full set of dentures also helps provide support to your facial structure allowing your lips and cheeks to look fuller, resulting in a younger, healthier appearance.
  • Implant retained dentures are a popular alternative to conventional dentures. An implant-retained denture replaces one or more single teeth and is held in place by dental implants secured within the jaw.

Your dentist will assess your needs and thoroughly examine your mouth for suitability for dentures, looking at:

  • All your existing teeth, checking for mobile teeth as these may have to be removed prior to having new dentures
  • Looking at existing restorations, fillings, crowns, etc.
  • The health of your gums, to make sure there is no infection present
  • The way your teeth bite together
  • If you have no natural teeth, assessing your gums and underlying bone

We begin by taking an impression of your teeth which is used to custom make your dentures. If your dentures are full, and any extractions are necessary, a temporary denture is placed to assist with the healing and to provide “teeth” while your gums heal. Partial dentures replace missing teeth and are attached to existing teeth with anchors made of plastic or metal.

A final denture is prepared after all healing has taken place, usually within six – twelve months. Both full and partial dentures are removed at night when you go to sleep, so that saliva can “wash” over your gums to maintain a healthy mouth.

State of the Art Work on Dentures

With modern dentistry, advanced techniques, and high quality materials, your doctors at Thornton Dental can restore your smile with premium dentures. Your dentist can determine and recommend the best type of dentures for your missing teeth issues. If you are ready to bring back your beautiful smile and confidence with the help of dentures, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with us here at Thornton Dental.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Dentures Thornton, Maitland, Chisholm NSW | (02) 4966 2996