Dental Implants

dental implants thornton At Thornton Dental, we offer dental implants to replace what’s been lost. Dental implants are a lasting solution surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace lost teeth, whether due to accidents, dental issues, or ageing.

If you need new teeth, we are happy to provide the practical support you need to regain a complete set of pearly whites.

Making the Most of Your Smile and Your Implant

Made of titanium, dental implants are ideal for patients in our clinic, ready to restore their smile completely. With excellent natural aesthetics and a durable, long-lasting effect, implants promote proper facial structure, making you look younger than you would without them.

Apart from substituting a missing tooth or set of teeth, implants can be used to stabilise or support adjunctive dental services like dentures, crowns and bridges. Implants can enhance the effectiveness of these removable prosthetic devices by acting as a sturdy foundation that can have something like dentures attached to it.

Types of Cosmetic Dental Implants

  1. Single Dental Implants: A single cosmetic dental implant is preferred when a patient has a missing tooth. This involves a two-part process: a titanium post is surgically inserted into the gum to serve as the new root, providing essential support and strength. Subsequently, a crown or denture is affixed onto the post to replace the missing tooth seamlessly.
  2. Full Dental Implants (All On Implants™): In cases of extensive decay or significant tooth loss, traditional dental implants may not suffice. The All on Implants™ approach offers a permanent alternative to conventional dentures. This innovative technique involves securing complete prosthetic teeth onto four dental posts, providing comprehensive support and functionality.
  3. Multiple Dental Implants: When numerous teeth are missing, multiple dental implants are used like single dental implants. This process involves placing various implants to replace the missing teeth. While more extensive, this approach ensures comprehensive dental function and aesthetic restoration.

Candidates for single or multiple implants must have healthy gums, jawbones, and oral hygiene practices. These implants are suitable for individuals missing one or more teeth between healthy natural teeth.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer unparalleled stability and durability by anchoring firmly into the jawbone. Say goodbye to concerns about your new teeth dislodging while enjoying hard foods or engaging in daily activities.

Despite the initial investment, dental implants are cost-effective in the long run. Because of their remarkable longevity, you will avoid constant maintenance costs, making regular replacements unnecessary. In the realm of dental care, long-term reliability triumphs over short-term costs.

Dental implants boast a natural appearance that seamlessly blends with your existing teeth. During the planning phase, we meticulously match the colour of your implants to your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless integration that goes unnoticed by others. Moreover, dental implants enhance your smile’s aesthetics and bolster your confidence in communication and daily activities.

The Surgery Process

The process of getting dental implants usually involves several essential phases. The first is determining the depth of your jawbone. We then prepare you for the implant surgery, which generally happens on the same day.

Our clinic does not sedate you during the procedure, but we have other methods, as needed, to help make it not too uncomfortable.

The full recovery period is about 3 to 6 months. While this may seem like a long time, implants can last your entire life as long as you keep up with regular cleaning and dental appointments. We give you plenty of information to help you achieve a healthy post-surgery healing process.

Dental Implants in Thornton

Ultimately, implants have many benefits, including better comfort and the ability to withstand greater bite pressure than dentures. In the jaw, they also stop gum recession and bone loss.

Get back to a full set of teeth—call (02) 4966 2996 to schedule an appointment with your Thornton, Maitland NSW dentist.

Risks arise from every invasive or surgical operation. Before taking further action, it would help to get a second opinion from a medical practitioner regarding proper licensing.

Visit us at Thornton Shopping Centre, Shop 30/1 Taylor Ave in Thornton.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants are titanium prosthetic tooth roots that are a stable foundation for permanent or removable replacement teeth.

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants have an extended lifespan with proper maintenance.

Is the implant procedure painful?

Most patients experience minimal discomfort, and local anaesthesia is used during the procedure.

How long does the implant process take?

The entire process, including healing, typically takes several months.

Are dental implants safe?

Dental implants are regarded as a secure and effective method of replacing lost teeth and have a high success rate.

Can anyone get dental implants?

Implants can be placed in the majority of people; however, eligibility must be determined by a dentist’s comprehensive examination.

How do I care for dental implants?

Care for dental implants involves regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, similar to natural teeth.

Are dental implants expensive?

The cost varies depending on individual needs, but many consider them a worthwhile investment because of their durability and function.

Do dental implants look natural?

Dental implants are designed to look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

Can dental implants replace multiple teeth?

Yes, implants can support complete dentures or replace one or more teeth.