Privacy Policy

Thornton Dental is committed to protecting your privacy and information.

If you have received a mailing from us, it is because you have either permitted us to use your email address to send you information in the future (opt-in) or have had business transactions with us and have enacted an NRL (No-Relational-License) opt-out usage policy.

Any information you provide to us concerning yourself or others will not be used for any purpose other than that for which it was intended and will not be sold, rented or leased to any third party unless we are required to do so by a court of law. Any information you provide to this site is only for the use of the specific site employees dealing with that information to contact you or to send you an email based upon the information you requested about this business and to any service providers contracted by the site to provide services related to this site’s communications with you.

Every email has a simple, self-employed mechanism through which you can opt out of receiving emails from us or update some of your details. If you wish to do this, look for the directions at the end of any email.

The information you provide to us is not disclosed to any third party except the employees who deal with such information for the specific purpose of contacting you or sending you emails based on your request and to third-party suppliers who are third parties in services associated with our interaction with you.

Every email message usually has an option to unsubscribe or change email settings in the lower part.

If you wish to do this, follow the instructions for any of the emails at the end of the email.